Be You • Be Nouus •

Créer des soins à partir de fruits et légumes déclassés

Dans un monde d'hyperconsommation, des millions de tonnes de fruits et légumes jugés « moches, abîmés » sont jetés chaque année. Pourtant, ces trésors regorgent de principes actifs bénéfiques pour vos cheveux, votre peau et votre bien-être. Notre défi ? Réinventer la beauté capillaire en revalorisant ces fruits déclassés et les coproduits de transformation.

Balkissou, notre fondatrice, a lancé cette aventure il y a quatre ans avec une vision claire : offrir des soins minimalistes, au design élégants et rechargeables, qui favorisent à la fois votre bien-être et une consommation responsable. Ensemble, faisons la différence et offrons à nos cheveux les soins qu'ils méritent tout en préservant notre planète.

Ensemble, faisons la différence et offrons à nos cheveux les soins qu'ils méritent tout en limitant notre impact sur l’environnement.


Revitalize and hydrate: a new, simple and effective hair routine

Our range is much more than a solution to revitalize thirsty hair and soothe sensitive scalps .

Enriched with pure organic aloe vera juice for deep hydration and recycled fruit active ingredients for natural revitalization, our treatments offer you a visible transformation from the first use.

Imagine softer , shinier hair and a soothed scalp , all while simplifying your hair routine .

Say goodbye to long and complicated routines , and adopt a new way of taking care of yourself.

Explore our range today and feel the difference, from the first application .

Discover our treatments


Beautiful and functional

No more plastic bottles hiding in a drawer. At NOUUS, we believe that your hair care deserves to be both effective and aesthetic .

Our products are designed to be proudly displayed in your bathroom , next to your perfume bottle. Each bottle, with its careful design , reflects our vision of a lifestyle where elegance meets sustainability .

These treatments don't just nourish your hair, they also enrich your daily life by bringing a touch of responsible beauty to your routine . Whether at home or traveling , be proud to use products that embody style, quality, and respect for the environment.


A simple gesture for the planet

By refilling your empty bottles instead of throwing them away, you reduce your use of single-use plastics by 90% .

This simple gesture not only protects our planet, it also allows you to save an average of 20% on your purchases.

With our care, adopting a more sustainable lifestyle has never been easier. Each refill you use is a concrete proof of your commitment to the environment, while enjoying a practical and economical solution . Make the choice to respect nature and your values ​​today.